
Model of a current element

Model: Magnetic field of a current element ScienSolar version: 1.5 Files to download: Model_34_Campo magn. de un dL_ES.txt Model_34_Magnetic field of a loop dL_EN.txt Features of the model: Brief theory on the mathematical basis of the model. Simulates the magnetic field of a single current element belonging to a circular coil with current. The coil… Continue reading Model of a current element

Example of application of the Differential Operators module

Model: Example of application of the differential operators module ScienSolar version: 1.5 Files to download: 33_Dif Operators Example_ES.txt 33_Dif Operators Example_EN.txt   Model features: Brief theory on how the model works. Shows how to use the differential operators module with vector and scalar functions. Calculated examples are shown in the image below. For it to work,… Continue reading Example of application of the Differential Operators module

Module for Dif. Operators

Module to calculate differential operators ScienSolar version: 1.5 Files to download: 151MODULE_7.txt Module Features: Calculates differential operators of scalar and vector fields. The module can be downloaded into a new project, as well as downloaded within existing projects. The combination of several operators can be calculated at the same time (approximately up to 3 depending… Continue reading Module for Dif. Operators

Model- Magnetic Field of a Toroid

Model: Magnetic field of toroidal currents ScienSolar version: 1.5 Files to download: Model_32_TORO_ES.txt Model_32_TORO_EN.txt Model features: Brief theory on the mathematical foundation of the model.  Some equations come in the equation editor and are the same as the Biot-Savart model, which are already found in the 3DModels sheet. Contains instructions on its operation and short… Continue reading Model- Magnetic Field of a Toroid

Model – Biot – Savart Law – Update

Model: Biot -Savart Law (update) ScienSolar version: 1.5 Files to download: 28_Ley de Biot – Savart_ES.txt 28_Biot-Savart Law_EN.txt Features: This model is an upgrade to the 28 model that comes in ScienSolar’s project list. It was optimized for the new version of ScienSolar. Fixed some technical errors that did not allow dB vectors to be observed.… Continue reading Model – Biot – Savart Law – Update

Model – Plane EM wave

Model: Plane electromagnetic wave ScienSolar version: 1.5 Files to download: Model_31_Onda plana _ES.txt Model_31_Plane wave_EN.txt Model features:  Brief theory on the mathematical foundation of the model. Some equations come in the equation editor, so they must be copied from the attached Excel file to the 3DModels sheet of the destination file. Contains instructions on its… Continue reading Model – Plane EM wave

Model -Nuclear particles

Model: Electric field of particles of small charge ScienSolar Version : 1.5 Files to download: Model_30 _ES.txt Model_30_EN.txt Model features: Adaptation of the Electric Field model to nuclear charges. The magnitudes of the charges are of the order of 1.6×10^-19. Calculation of the field automatically after adding charges, and at any point in space. Brief… Continue reading Model -Nuclear particles

Model – Charge distributions

Model: Electric Field of Charge Distributions ScienSolar Version: 1.5 Files to download : Code Model features:  Brief theory on the mathematical foundation of the model. Some equations come in the equation editor, so they must be copied from the attached Excel file to the 3DModels sheet of the destination file. Contains instructions on its operation… Continue reading Model – Charge distributions