
User manual

With this manual you will be able to learn how to use the ScienSolar package in Excel and get the most out of it to design different models.

Vector fields in MS Excel

This book explains in detail the 3D models in mathematics and physics that come as examples in the package. With these examples you can learn how to build your own models, as well as build new models starting from them.
English version coming soon.
Pocedure code in VBA
If you are a programmer, in this book you will find the ScienSolar source code explained mostly line by line. The code written by a physicist is open source but with restrictions on its commercialization and distribution.
English version coming soon.

Easily create 3D models in math, physics and engineering,
all you need is to integrate ScienSolar into Excel.
And most importantly:

Open source code, easy to plug into any macro-enabled Excel file. No installation required, just copy and paste the code into the VBA editor.

Download here ScienSolar for free and without time restrictions

Enhance your documents with quality images

With  ScienSolar you can generate extraordinary images in the three-dimensional Cartesian system in seconds. And it's FREE!.

Create your own images for your physics and math documents.

Create your own 3D color images from MS Excel.